Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Don't Blame Wall Street, Blame Yourself!

"Don't blame Wall Street, Blame Yourself!" shouts Herman Cain. I love that quote! Afterwards he had to down play his comment because he was being criticized by the media, yet his words echo truth- we are solely responsible on how we manage our finances and resources- no one else! Not the government, not Wall Street! Are you financially responsible? So the economy isn't prospering, less jobs and prices from food to health care is rising. Regardless of your situation, are you financially responsible? To be financially responsible is to be financially self reliant and not mooching on the government.
I have a chip on my shoulder because it is the financially responsible that are being punished and not getting breaks. I was watching the news and the government is trying to bail out homeowners who can't afford their mortgage. Why should they be bailed out? They shouldn't. Sure I would of loved to have a bigger and newer house, but when we bought it we planned for the future. We thought of the what if's...what if 10 years from now we found ourselves unemployed, could we still afford to pay our mortgage?, what sacrifices must we make so we can pay for our house?, could we still live in our house if a life shattering event happened (thank goodnesss it hasn't)....but we were RESPONSIBLE!! We went with a comfortable, modest and humble home that we KNEW we could afford. Now the government wants to reward the!
Only after someone is willing to make sacrifices to live financially responsible, should they look for extra help. And what sacrifices? If you can't afford your basic needs (food, shelter, clothing) be willing to give up your toys and wants (t.v, cellphone, 2nd car and yes even your house- live in an apartment and pay off your debt!!). Once you change your priorities and way of thinking you can have the financial freedom I have!
I don't live in mansion and designer clothes, but I have financial freedom. I live within means, work hard, budget my money, willing to sacrifice, prioritize true needs and wants and am satisfied with the resources we have. Having financial freedom means having no financial worries! I love it!
I will be writing more posts on how to have financial freedom. I am not a financial expert, but it doesn't take a genius  to figure out how to be financially responsible!

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