Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sorry kids, no Ding Dongs for you!

I love being financially responsible and I want others to feel that  freedom. I have a chip on my shoulder that I just need to get out or else I will annoyed for a long time.
So for the past few weeks of grocery shopping I've been noticing how full people's shopping carts are. I know it's none of my business, but after carefully budgeting $100 to feed my family of 6 for a week-meaning $14 a day, divide that by 3 meaning $3.50 a meal equalling about .60 cents per person/ per meal....and forget the snacks- I've been wondering how else people are managing to feed there family. We could probably increase our food budget (and I have made an extra trip to the grocery store now and then to get a gallon of milk), but if we do then we are dipping into other funds. I guess we could eat like kings and just have our extended family or even the Church or government pay our Utility bills:) that's not financial freedom, is it!
But I've been real curious-nosey as a matter of fact! Finances seem like the hush, hush don't talk about kind of topic and I respect that. I think if more people were willing to talk about their financial habits, they would be more honest with themselves...So I've been profiling shoppers- yes prematurely judging them- mainly on how loaded there carts are-usually overflowing- and follow them to the checkout line (we all make judgement calls). Chadley is a stalker...ha,ha!! (I am not Eliza on this blog, I'm bold outspoken side of me)
It amazes me how easy it is to get food! Swipe the card and leave! Maybe if it was a more uneasy procedure people would be more willing to be self reliant!!
So why am I sour?
Because last night, I happen to be following a young lady who probably would be catergorized as low income, high school dropout with no steady job (to give her the benefit of the doubt, she probably graduated...I'm just trying to paint a picture) I actually wasn't intentionally following her, it just happened we were following the same layout of the store. So the groceries she bought would be a kids dream- cookies, chips, about 5 frozen pizzas averaging $5 a box, a huge bag of bulk Laffy Taffy about $6 worth, frozen burritos, sugar cereal, maybe a few healthy items but the majority of it was over priced pre packaged food. It was overflowing and I  gave her the benefit of the doubt and thought how lucky she was to be able to AFFORD and PAY for all that food! I was actually a little bit jealous!
As I compared my purchases, and my frugal shopping habits of comparing prices and getting the best deal for my money I was wondering what I was doing wrong!
To make balance meals I spend about $15 in fresh produce: about 4lbs of apples at .68/lb, 3lbs of bananas @ .54/lb and the rest about $5-$8 in fresh veggies, $10 bucks on dairy meaning 3 gallons of milk, $10 on cereals (mainly the best value: no name Cheerios, Cornflakes etc and yes I will buy a sugared cereal now and then), $15 on meat, $15 on boxed goods: pasta etc, $5-$10 on bread and the rest on those miscellanous food items we always need and yes a treat for the family.
I have to walk past all the frozen prepackaged food, the ice cream usually, the chips, say no to juice and Ding Dongs  and  all the yummy snacks my kids would love. I  get the basics and a little more
Does that woman deserve a few cookies, a little sugar-of course! Everyone does, but not $25 worth of pizza (if you are not buying it with your own money)!
So as we stand in line and she is ready to pay my benefit of the doubt disappears as she swipes her State Food Stamp card!
I was so disturbed...why? Because of her lack of respect and value to the financial resources she has!
If she was truly struggling and had a true need for food because her family was hungry, she would be respecting her resources, but was squandering it on whatever she wanted! Buying mainly high priced food, unhealthy food, junk food and candy and not much to sustain life. Food Stamps was first created so low income people would have access to healthier food...hmm that was not the case!
When you don't have to work hard for what you have, there is a less of an incentive to value what you have.
Am I being mean? No! Do I hate those on Food Stamps? No. Do I have a chip on my shoulder toward irresponsible financial people...YES!
This isn't about being poor or on being Food Stamps. If you are being responsible, stretching out your monthly allowance of Food Stamps,looking for good deals, comparing prices, clipping coupons and trying to respect  that valuable resource that the government and hardworking taxpayers have given you, then I would applaud you for your efforts! Sadly.I haven't seen that trend, but want to believe there are those who have gratitude, respect and value their resources while being on government assistance. I hope there are many!
Because I am a busy mom and can't write for hours here is a good link regarding Food Stamps

(I am a simple person who doesn't know how to do live links, so copy and paste and's good!)

In a nutshell, have respect for your finances and resources, especially when you can't provide for yourself! Nothing is free! People are working hard so you can have food on your table! I am working hard so I can put food on my table!

Being financially responsible allows you to have financial freedom. It strengthens families and home. It creates secure households and happy children! You have less stress and worry!  And by not being financially responsible, it's another way for the adversary to destroy the family!

My kids are screaming.I better go fix them their PB&J sandwich! Sorry kids, no Ding Dongs or school lunch for you....that's your reward for having hardworking and financially responsible parents!

Food for thought minus all the grammar mistakes:)

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Totally true! Although I dont use food stamps, I could still use a lesson or two in preparing and shopping for meals more frugally(?). I am AMAZED at how much these people get...its insane!Way to go Chadley! :)
