Friday, October 28, 2011

Are you willing to eat Top Ramen?

Food. I know the feeling of always being hungry and not having that need met. Many times I left for high school not having a bite to eat and not knowing what I would be eating that day. If I was so fortunate to eat, it usually was a piece of bread and margarine (butter was considered a delicacy growing up). I wasn't a picky eater -there just wasn't anything to eat. In high school, students were responsible for there lunch. There were no programs for free and reduce lunch-how fortunate students are these days. If you didn't have food/ money, you didn't have lunch. I think my friends must of thought I was on a diet or something because as we sat around the lunch table I usually had no food. I would play it off saying I was hungry when deep down inside, my stomach would be growling like crazy! I was always grateful when an apple or something was offered, but did not dare to ever ask!
No one should ever experience that kind of hunger or fear of not having anything eat. How fortunate it is that there are resources such as Food Stamps, Food Banks, charitable organizations and churches that one can obtain food!
Food is that 1st basic need that we need to survive. Are you meeting that need and making sure that each family member has food? To meet that need, means buying food yourself without the help of an outside organization. Do you work hard to ensure that your family is being fed? I hope so.
Times are tough- less jobs,hours are being cut, smaller paychecks- yet the packages of food are getting smaller and the prices seem to be going up. A few years ago I remember when eggs were only .48 cents and now you are lucky to see them for $1.50!
It's tough to feed a family! We budget $100 a week to feed our family of 6. Even after a shopping trip, our refrigerator still looks bare. We actually could qualify for Food Stamps, but we are financially responsible and are willing to sacrifice on the finer things of life so we can meet that basic need of food! If we were Food Stamps we would probably be eating a lot better than we are now!I am proud of being self reliant even if it means we are eating Top Ramen once in while!
How willing are you to eat Top Ramen? Sometimes it seems easier to apply for Food Stamps than make that financial sacrifice of being financially self reliant!
If you find yourself relying on help whether it be the government or charity or a church how willing are you to be responsible and frugal when it comes to food? Eventhough food you obtain does not cost you much, it isn't free. Someone has either donated and sacrificed so that others can have food, even if it's through Food Stamps! Something to consider.
We all could do a better job on not wasting food and being grateful for the food we have.
Food programs are made so that a person can meet the basic needs of life, not to maintain a lifestyle. If you cannot meet the first basic need of food then you need to be willing to give up all the wants and finer things in life, until you can meet that need on your own! That might not buying clothes, no big family vacation, getting rid of a car, giving up the cell phone, the computer, the TV and maybe even the family dog! It is your responsibility. I'm not donating food to the food bank or sacrificing my income through the church so that others can have the newest gadget and big house. I'm doing it so they won't experience the hunger that I did! I love to give and will never know where my money is going to, but I pray that those who receive the sacred funds from others will remember that they need to sacrifice as well so that there lives will be better. To have a goal to be self reliant is the biggest contribution you can give back to society!
Am I being mean- no! If you want to have financial freedom, no financial stress than live your life in way that allows you to buy food yourself! Your family depends on it. Having no money and being in debt will only cause contention, arguments, heart break, fear, and stress
Work hard, get out of debt, budget your money, be willing to sacrifice, be grateful and be willing to eat Top Ramen!!!
Something to consider!

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